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Il Titolare del trattamento è la società A PLUS SRL –  I ns. sistemi informativi e le ns. procedure interne sono conformi alle norme e garantiamo la presenza di adeguate misure tecniche ed organizzative costantemente aggiornate. È possibile in qualsiasi momento richiedere la cancellazione della Vs. mail tramite il semplice invio di una mail a  con titolo CANCELLAZIONE


This document is formed exclusively for the recipient. All the information contained therein, including any attachments, are to be considered exclusively confidential and confidential according to the terms of the current Legislative Decree 196/2003 on privacy and the European Regulation 679/2016 – GDPR- and therefore its further unauthorized use. If you have received this message in error, please kindly contact the sender immediately and delete the e-mail. Thank you.
The Data Controller is the company A 
PLUS SRL – Our information systems and our. internal procedures comply with the standards and we guarantee the presence of adequate constantly updated technical and organizational measures. It is possible at any time to request the cancellation of your email by simply sending an email to with the title CANCELLATION